We have since 1985 been transporting cargo and providing a variety of specialized logistic services to companies worldwide. For the past seven decades GSELL COUNTRY CLASSICS LLC has build an efficient network and strong presence in the market.
Our experienced team is specialized in competitive chartering, ships agency, ship management, project cargo and stevedoring for all kinds of cargo. We have commercial management of a fleet of +70 dry cargo vessels in range from 1.100 - 6.500 dwt and offer total transport solutions from A-B. We are dedicated and experienced team - and our knowhow of coaster trade is extensive.
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Our Team

Company Director

Captain ​J​​o​​c​​h​​e​​n​​ ​​B​​a​​u​​m​​a​​n​​n​

Chief Executive Officer

​J​​o​​c​​h​​e​​n​​ ​​B​​a​​u​​m​​a​​n​​n​ has served as our Chairman since November 2014. Mr. ​J​​o​​c​​h​​e​​n​​ ​​B​​a​​u​​m​​a​​n​​n​ also serves as Chief Executive Officer of AMA Capital Partners, a New York City-based transportation & energy merchant bank and advisory firm; he joined AMA from First National Bank of Maryland in 1998 and was appointed to CEO in 2004. Mr. Leand has led the development of AMA's restructuring practice, helping the firm earn its position as the pre-eminent maritime restructuring advisor to both creditors and borrowers. He has been involved in the restructuring of numerous high yield issues including: Golden Ocean, ACL, Global Ocean, Pegasus and Enterprises, and Horizon Lines.

Mr. ​J​​o​​c​​h​​e​​n​​ ​​B​​a​​u​​m​​a​​n​​n​ serves as a Director of Frontline 2012 (Oslo Stock Exchange), Golar LNG Partners LP (Nasdaq), Lloyd Fonds AG (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), North Atlantic Drilling (Oslo Stock Exchange), SeaDrill Ltd. (NYSE), and Ship Finance International Ltd. (NYSE). Mr. Leand holds a BS/BA from Boston University's School of Management.

Meet Our Team

Michael Green
Transport Manager

Andrada Fischerman
Logistics Co-Ordinator

Lester Sowell
Clearance Executive

Elizabeth Moskat
Operations Manager


Jonathan Antunez
Compliance Manager

April Flores
Office Manager

Steven Ammirato
Yard Operator

Mary Fitzpatrick
Hire Controller


Paul Daworski

Chad Supek
Driver's Manager

Mark Lewkowicz
Operations Manager

Kristine Blevins
Transport Assistant

Our company has 755 employees and collaborators around the world.

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We have since 1985 been transporting cargo and providing a variety of specialized logistic services to companies worldwide. For the past seven decades GSELL COUNTRY CLASSICS LLC has build an efficient network and strong presence in the market.

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